Read "Satiety" at The Eldritch Dark:
Note that The Eldritch Dark indicates that this poem was included in Ebony and Crystal (1922), but in fact Clark Ashton Smith (CAS) wrote two poems with the same title, and the one under consideration here was never published in his lifetime, although it was included in the posthumous Selected Poems (1971).
This is another poem from CAS presented as a translation from the original French of Christophe des Laurières, but we know it to be CAS' own work hidden behind a pseudonym. I like that this very short work has something of a saucy nature, so who wouldn't believe it to be the work of a licentious Frenchman!
This is another poem from CAS presented as a translation from the original French of Christophe des Laurières, but we know it to be CAS' own work hidden behind a pseudonym. I like that this very short work has something of a saucy nature, so who wouldn't believe it to be the work of a licentious Frenchman!
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